Tuesday 26 May 2015


          It is highly upsetting for any women to build up an upper lip shadow. A dark upper lip shadow which resembles a faint mustache can draw. Dark upper lip shadows can takes place due to the result of excessive bleaching, threading and waxing of the upper lip hair. Stress, bad diet, sun exposure and smoking can as well the cause of dark lips. While dark lips can be very stubborn there are some cosmetic procedures which can deal with the difficulty. On the other hand, these procedures tend to be expensive and luxurious. You can lighten the dark lips with the help of simple home remedies. 

Lemon: This is an age old home remedy to lighten dark and pigmented skin. Undiluted lemon juice has powerful skin bleaching properties. To lighten skin pigmentation above the upper lip Rub a lime on your lips. This helps out to embark upon the pigmentation effectively as lime has natural bleaching properties. You can also dab on some lemon juice on your lips with the help of cotton. If you have a dark upper lip shadow, the lime juice will also help to lighten the hair. 

Almond and Honey: This is an absolutely safe and secure home remedy to successfully get rid of dark upper lip shadow. Soak five almonds overnight in a bowl of Luke warm water. In the morning grind the almonds with a few drops of water to a fine paste. 

Add half a teaspoon of pure organic honey to the almond paste. Blend the ingredients well and apply the almond honey paste evenly over the upper lip. Leave the paste on the upper lip for half an hour and then wash it off with cold water. 

Glycerin: Glycerin can help out to put a stop to dark lips and get rid of dry spots caused by dryness. Use a cotton bud to dab a couple of drops of glycerin on top of your lips every night previous to bed.

Cucumber juice: Cucumber juice not only acts as a natural bleaching agent excluding it as well helps to appease highly red-looking skin as well. Bleaching or else threading the upper lip on a regular basis, can cause this area to be converted into unusually dark. 

These frequent beauty procures can as well get on your nerves the highly receptive upper lip region. To quiet the sore upper lip skin and get rid of the unattractive skin pigmentation, apply some fresh cucumber juice on this area. Permit the skin to soak up the soothing cucumber juice for fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash off the excess juice with cold water.

Quit cigarette smoking: If you smoke extremely, you may possibly have to lash out the knock in opposition to as this can lead to unnecessary darkening of the lips. Increasingly cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke or else ban smoking altogether to prevent lip pigmentation.

Carrot Juice: Carrots have beta carotene which is excellent for bright eyes and luscious lips. Extract the juice of a few carrots and with the help of some cotton apply the juice on your lips. Do this twice daily for best results. 

These home remedies are quite effective and devoid of side effects that are commonly associated with the use of harsh lip products and cosmetics. 

Milk: To lighten dark upper lip shadow, apply milk topically on this area. The high lactic acid content in milk makes it an excellent skin exfoliating agent. The lactic acid found in milk also helps to brighten the natural skin tone. Take approximately two teaspoons of full cream milk in a small glass container. 

Use a clean cotton ball to soak up milk. Rub the upper lip region with the cotton ball dipped in milk. Allow the skin to absorb the milk for half an hour. Rinse the upper lip region with warm water. Regular application of milk on the upper lip area can help to lighten the skin pigmentation. 

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