Friday 2 January 2015

Diabetes the silent killer, Lets prevent it….

                 Diabetes is a common virus in which there is high blood sugar level in the venous blood due to defects in insulin invention or function. It is a condition of elevated blood sugars in which the body does not make enough insulin. Its symptoms are excessive dehydration, hunger, urination, weakness, slow healing sores or cuts and blurry visualization. Also long term diabetes can affect kidney failure, gums, heart and blood vessels, feet, nerve damage and blindness. Diabetes is categorized into four type which as follows:
  •          Type1 Diabetes
  •          Type2 Diabetes
  •          Gestational Diabetes
  •          Prediabetes

Type1 Diabetes: this type of diabetes is categorized as an autoimmune disease and occurs when the body’s misdirected immune system attacks and destroys insulin and producing cells which is called as beta cells of the pancreas. In this type of diabetes, the immune system attacks various cells in the body and the results in a complete insufficiency of the insulin hormones. Although hereditary or environmental triggers are assumed, the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is not completely understood. This type of diabetes can occur at any age, most of the patients are diagnosed as children or young adults. With this type of diabetes, sugar isn't moved into the cells because insulin is not available. Therefore people with this type of diabetes take insulin daily to balance their insulin level. This type is also called as juvenile diabetes.
This type of diabetes can cause:
  •          The increase of sugar in the blood can cause a raise in urination which is try to clear the sugar from the body.
  •          Without insulin, glucose in the blood cannot enter the cells in the body and blood glucose levels rise. The body begins contravention down fat and protein for energy as a substitute of using glucose for energy.
  •          The loss of sugar in the urine means loss of calories because of that many of the people with high sugar loss their weight also.
  •          The high sugar levels in the blood may damage the nerves and small blood vessels of the eyes, kidneys and heart.

Type2 Diabetes: diabetes is the most common form of disease, affecting 90 to 95 percent of the people. In this type of diabetes the body is resistant to the action of insulin, meaning it cannot use insulin properly, so that it cannot carry sugar into the cells.  This type of diabetes also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes. This type of diabetes most frequently develops progressively with age and is characterized by insulin conflict in the body. Not everyone with type 2 diabetes is overweight. Obesity and lacks of physical activity are two of the most common causes of this form of diabetes. Because of this resistance, the body’s fat, liver, and muscle cells are unable to take in and store glucose, which is used for energy. When the body does not support appropriately to insulin a condition which is known as “insulin resistance.” Family history and genetics is the most important factor in type 2 diabetes. Maintaining a healthy diet is important for diabetes people, also exercise is very important in type2 diabetes to cure. The combination of exercise and healthy diet can help you to control your weight and blood sugar level.

Gestational Diabetes: It is a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels that is first recognized during pregnancy and often has no symptoms. It is acknowledged to affect about three to eight percent of women. This type of diabetes can affect the developing fetus all the way through the pregnancy. And the result, mother's diabetes can affect in birth defects and an increased rate of miscarriage. All pregnant women are tested for Gestational diabetes at between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy by “glucose-screening test”. As this is the period when this problem usually occurs. When you are pregnant, hormonal changes can make your cells less quick to respond to insulin. This diabetes mostly found in women with a family history of diabetes and in those who are overweight. This is a temporary type diabetes after baby born it cures totally. If you found Gestational diabetes you have to take care of yourself properly.
          Eat healthy and planned proper diet: the diet plan is different for all according to their height, weight and activity level. Carbohydrates are most important in pregnancy. Milk, yogurt, fruits and juices, rice, grains, bread, dried beans, potatoes, corn etc having the large amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are measured in grams. Distribute your foods between three meals and two or three snacks each day. Eating too much at a time can increase your blood sugar level. Drink a cup of milk at a time. Blood sugar can be difficult to control in the morning because of normal fluctuations in hormone level. Do not add extra sugar, honey to your food instead of that use artificial sweeteners.
            Make a Plan for daily Exercise or Yoga: Regular moderate exercise during pregnancy helps improve your body’s ability to process glucose and insulin better, which helps control your blood sugar level. Cycling, aquarobiocs, dancing, Pilates, Walking and swimming is the most beneficial exercise for women who are pregnant. Aerobics also helps in this condition. If you are doing exercise daily you need not to take diabetes medicine also. But if you think your blood sugar level is low immediately stop exercising. Be careful to avoid vigorous exercise before bedtime.
          Meditation for stress free: Relaxing is the important factor while pregnancy. Stress makes you fat because of that your blood sugar level is raise. Meditation will help you to reduce stress, reduce headache, and reduce pain, lower anxiety.

Prediabetes: Prediabetes is also known as “impaired glucose tolerance” or “impaired fasting glucose” and is a health condition with no symptoms. This type of diabetes increases risk of cardiovascular pathology. This diabetes occur cause of sleep disorder, family history of diabetes, high blood pressure, overweight. Prediabetes increases not only your risk of on the increase diabetes but also your risk of heart disease and stroke. Most of the people used to call it as “borderline” diabetes. If you are having Prediabetes be careful about your diet. This doesn't means that you have to avoid some foods but avoid adding sugar in your food. And the most important is that concentrate on losing weight.

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